Big deal, everyone who posts on internet message boards make 6-7 figures a year, trains in MMA and fuck hundreds of 10s a year. What makes you any different other than you being the fattest of them all?
BTW it would take more money than you could ever make for me to go to which ever shit hole country you live in and work for you while you stuff your face with twinkies and cock.
mmmmmm passthe popcorn, papa
Maybe you should rename your method the "Be Rich Method"?
lol.. some kid who has been in the game for 5 years (with one lay to boast). his screen name is the tiger, his real name is shiraz sultan.
Dont really no where this "one lay" business came from, blatant lie.... but whatever makes you happy.
Continue jacking off to my pics, peace.
This sounds more like the instructor profiles at LoveSystems. They all have successful businesses and know several martial arts.
What do you do to make money? I though you did graphic design or something?